Wednesday, May 19, 2010

"5 Seconds" continued....

There were so many wonderful photos from last week's photo shoot that I have decided to share them in chunks during the next few weeks. I am on to something with this whole "5 Second" thing and it has been spinning around in my head as an idea for future photo work. (If you have no idea what I'm talking about please read this post.)

At the end of the photo shoot we went to explore a new fountain that was just built in our little down town area. Of course the kids were all about touching the water, splashing, dipping a toe or two. But as we gathered 'round the fountain I saw a series of 5 second moments in which they were together as a family. It did not matter that I was there, the kids could care less. It was a simple peek into how they are as a unit. I was happily the fly on the wall. A happy fly. (Is that possible?)

Weave those series of "5 Seconds" together and they tell a small story of their time at the fountain...

Traces of their moment together....

...left behind to fade into the passing of time.
Kept forever in an image to remind them of who they are together.

So happy to have captured it for them.


stacey said...

Love all the feet. My fav is #7 with the footprints and little feet and hand in the background.

Mockabee Seven said...

Turned out great, Trace! So glad you did this for them!