Wednesday, June 23, 2010

5 Seconds: Street Time

Though I have many other pictures to share, I realized a few days ago that with the craziness at the end of the school year and summer running out the door so fast I forgot to end the 5 Second series of this beautiful family. If you are visiting for the first time and have no clue as to what I am talking about (don't worry, I'm often in this boat) then click here for a look back.

For all others who are totally "with it" and remember everything then enjoy the following pictures. I enjoyed coming back to them and was reminded how blessed we are to be given those 5 second moments. Like this one, that lasted probably 2 seconds. (You try getting a two busy kids to sit down for a second with their parents!)

Moments at the cafe table, grabbing a bite to eat...

When you cannot find your smile...please use a bagel...

After dinner there was just a little bit of running around...

And a little conversation...

And some training....
(it starts young people)

Ending it all with a 5 second moment together...

What love. :) What a great experience to capture their 5 seconds.
I enjoyed every moment.

(A little self reflection here. Read on if you are interested, have the time, give a hoot.)

As I looked back in on the experience...

...I discovered that it was a watershed moment for me. I learned quite a bit about myself and how I like to use my camera when I pick it up for other people.  I have always known that I like to document, but the struggle to incorporate and communicate that philosophy into a photo shoot is something that I have begun to take strides in and this photo shoot was a great experience. Over the last six months since my blog birthday, I have taken a lot of time to really work out what I feel my photo philosophy is and how I want to approach this business. I never wanted to just slap a business license on myself, pick up my camera, and just start running. I know there are those that wonder just. how. slooooooow. I. can. go. in starting an official business, but for me, I can't go slow enough.  (Some people move faster through these things--lucky ones--I need to let it marinate. ) To listen to myself and allow my philosophy to develop has been more valuable to me than any dollar amount I receive from taking pictures. Additionally,  I have also had two major parts of my life come to a close in the last few months. They were responsibilities and commitments that took top priority in my mental and emotional space for the last two years. It is no coincidence that I am now standing on a precipice quite literally in my life and a wide open space as been gifted to me. I am excited to walk into the next chapter. Self discovery unfolds through time and experience and I have enjoyed submitting to the process of "everything is made beautiful in its time". 

I am off to another 5 second photo shoot this Sunday in a big city downtown with a mother and her teenage son. I am super excited to be with them and capture their moments together. And I look forward to sharing their 5 seconds with you. 


stacey said...

Oh how I love your 5 second series. Fantastic photos. I love the ones with daddy and kids...daughter running into his arms and boy standing on chair. Love.

And your patience with your photography has been inspiring to me. We live in a world where everything is rushed and often done too quickly. It's so nice to see how you've taken your time and how you've grown through that. And I can't wait to see more of your gift! Thank you for sharing, Tracey.

Jen said...

I would love to have a shoot like this for my family, to capture those little moments that fly by everyday! Good luck to you as you work on the next chapter and how to share your wonderful talent...

Christie Brown said...

Really sweet. Such nice, nice people too. Great lighting.