Thursday, June 24, 2010

A very cool and funky welcome...

I have been wanting to share this AWESOME door that was the entrance to the beach house we stayed at in San Diego. The house was set back on the property (towards the beach) with a courtyard (and pool and guest house) leading up to this funky, old, custom built door. They slid open to create an expansive entry to the house so that upon entry you were greeted with the site and sound of the ocean. We left our flip flops at the entrance and walked in barefoot. It was all just so beachy. (Did I tell you that Jenny Craig lived next door? Yep. Greeted her every day as she took her beach walk.)

And here are some crazy, hysterical kids who humored me with a line up at the door. Apparently they did not appreciate the door like I did. What-ev.

And don't ask me what my son is doing.
I'm just his mother. I often don't know what's going on in that brain of his.

Happy Thursday!
It's my bday today, and I'm usually pretty shy about announcing my bday but I just had three and a half days to myself, in my house, alone, with no one to bug me or interrupt me, and I'm in a happy happy place. It's a good day!


stacey said...

Happy Birthday!!!!! I hope your special day is full of blessings. YOU are a blessing! Loves.

Santa Monica Bred said...
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Santa Monica Bred said...

So good, these shots...The last one is Awesome. your family & friends have hit the jackpot with you documenting their lives in such a beautiful way.

Sonya said...

Wishing you many more happy Birthdays!!! I hope this one is your best Birthday ever!

I recently discovered your blog and am in awe of your talent and creativity! Thank you for sharing glimpses of your world and for inspiring me to look for the lens of my own creative way of expression.


jodie said...

happy birthday...may the next year bring us even more of your beautiful words and images! enjoy...

Nicole Hoefer said...

Happy Birthday Tracey... I love you and your words, your work and who you are as a woman of God. I'm thankful for you today and every day. Thank you for sharing your these snapshots of your life via your blog... Sure would love to actually SEE you one of these days! Can we make that happen soon?

Anonymous said...

Not only do I want to say Happy Birthday to you but also that I am infinitely jealous of your 3 1/2 days. Wooooowwwww....