Wednesday, June 30, 2010

cue the sympathy strings

My dearest blogger friends,
I am sad sad sad, wandering around my life like a child who has lost her cherished teddy bear. Monday, at approximately 1:30pm I sent my camera off to the camera doctor. I wrapped it up in soft bubble wrap, wrote a letter to the fix-it doctor and told him about my camera's woes in hopes that it could be cured from its malfunctioning ways. I thought I would be okay in its absence. My rational was that I had my old camera that I could pull it out and use it because at least I had my nice lens. Who was I kidding?
I just pulled out that old camera to snap a picture of my son's homemade strawberry pie, put my eye to the view finder and found myself breathe in an air of shock. My old The shutter coughs, the white balance is screwy, and it doesn't have a full frame sensor. I even forgot how to use it. I did not realize how spoiled blessed I was to have such a nice camera. I know, I know...
So I shut off the camera, sat down to my computer and pulled up some pictures I have not yet shared. I have a little back log of them so I can blog here and there. But know that I will be doing so while I have an empty corner in my heart, waiting for my friend to come back to me, whole and in one piece.

Until then (sniff), here are some pictures I snapped on my birthday of my most beautiful "niece". I followed her all evening trying to catch those curls. She had just come from her dance recital and the remnants of her Parisian costume were still lingering: the side pony tail and the black velvet choker. She was adorable. Those curls!

Is she just not the most cutest thing?

Almost makes me forget about my camera woes...for a few seconds.

1 comment:

stacey said...

Oh so sad!! I hope it returns to you quickly! I'm sure you feel like you're missing your right arm!

And yes, she is the cutest thing! Those curls!!