Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Welcome Spring! (finally)
Welcome clean windows and clean screens.
It's about time we throw open the windows and let the warm air breeze through the house and carry out stale winter air and smell. It's about time we awake from our slumber, shed those winter pounds, and run barefoot in the grass. It's about time.

Welcome back Spring! We've been waiting for you!

And welcome back from your holiday weekend. I would say "Happy Monday" but oh, wait, we're all starting our week out on a Tuesday. How glorious is that?! 
Four more days till the next spring weekend. Four more days of school for my kids. 
This week is already off to a great start!
Hope yours is too.


1 comment:

Julie Rivera said...

That picture screams day at the beach to me! The light reflecting into their faces...gorgeous.

I want to thank you for sharing that link to Zack Arias' video about why we do what we do (over on Novel Photgraphie's blog). I am struggling with it right now and I bookmarked the video to watch several more times.