Thursday, July 22, 2010

Bean's pickle of a story (watch and learn)

THIS is a pickle.
And this is a true story...

On a recent trip to my Auntie's house I was the lucky recipient of the last pickle in her very large Costco-sized pickle jar. I was happy nibbling on it while playing outside with my sidewalk large pink stick of sidewalk chalk that my Auntie had also given to me.

While I was tra-la-la'ing, skipping around, drawing with my chalk, I absent mindedly lifted what I thought was my pickle to my mouth to take a bite, but instead found myself licking my piece of chalk! It's true. I am not making this up. I giggled when I realized what I had done and came to show my mom. I wanted her to show my funny goof to everyone on her blog. (And she is has kept good on her promise.) Here is the proof...

So. Just in case you ever are confused about the difference between a pickle and a piece of sidewalk chalk, like I momentarily was...

...let me give you a little demonstration:

Pickle on your left. Chalk on your right.
And btw, chalk is not tasty. 
Pickles are, and I keep telling my mom to buy them for me but she keeps forgetting.

Ta-da! Thus concludes my pickle story. 
I hope that you have enjoyed it.


note from mom: I love you Bean. You make me laugh! And I am NOT buying that Costco-sized pickle jar like your Auntie did, because it will last forever in the fridge and I will get sick of seeing it. Why do you think your Auntie was so eager to give you the last pickle?! 


libbie said...

I enjoyed it very much, thanks for sharing.

Tami said...

You're not the only mom who forgets to buy pickles for her kids. My girls keep askin' and I keep forgettin'. Wonder if it's because I'm not that into pickles? Loved the story, btw. :)