Friday, July 23, 2010

props to the prop girl

We met the other day as the sun was going down. She brought her own props. Her idea, not mine.
(My brain was so summer fried that I just showed up with my camera.)
The thing is, is that those wings are not just a prop for camera sakes.
They are attached to her 24/7. If you know her, then you are nodding in agreement.
It is surprising that she has not yet flown away!

I love these next two...the profile in her wings...

At one point in the evening she said, "Take a picture of my beautiful pink gem!"
Uh, ok, your the boss! Will do!

Her other special prop? Basket with tea set. 
How very girly huh? I think so.

I must give props to the prop girl. She made her little photo shoot so very fun and creative.
(Even if we were kicked out of the shoot location...but that's another story.)

Welcome to the weekend!
I am leaving Sunday for a week-long family vacation up to one of my favorite places in the whole wide world. I will post some things during my week away, because I will have internet access, and because I am so prepared it's scary. I'm a rock star.


Tami said...

That first profile in the wing shot is outstanding!! Love it.

stacey said...

SO cute. I also love the profile pics.

Can't wait to see what one of your favorite places in the whole wide world is. And yes, you are a rock star! Have a great trip!!