Tuesday, August 3, 2010


There is a tiny amphibious creature that likes to dwell in all manner of watery places.
Her favorite haunt is a little pond in the Lake Tahoe forest. 
Every summer she slips into the water and never comes out.
You can see her rise to the surface at the end of the day, 
just as the sun is dipping behind the rocky peaks.

People have been known to look for her: Tom Sawyer types with a need for adventure.

They have even experienced a few toes being snatched into her slippery grip.

Some have even tried to attempt to join her in the water in the hopes of knowing her ways.

But alas, she eludes them. She is my little pond dwelling amphibian, content to stay submerged until she absolutely has to come up for air.

p.s. No joke...this evening we were out here at this magical little pond there was a busy beaver swimming the waters with her. He circled the pond with a stick in his mouth, his head just above water leaving a water trail behind him. Bean was tickled! For the rest of the trip we called Bean our little beaver. It was so befitting that she shared the pond with him. Two little busy paddlers enjoying the evening, the pond, the light...


libbie said...

I miss camping. It seems that every time we make plans something happens and we put it off until next time...which never seems to come. I think I need to go camping so I can get some pictures as good as this.

Santa Monica Bred said...

Really neat shots!!!