Saturday, August 21, 2010

How could you?!

Through the avenue of Facebook we were all given the sad news that the beloved family cat, Pippen, had run away. I had yet to post these pictures and the thought of doing after receiving the news seemed, well, a little insensitive considering that I knew some sisters were going to be a little sad.
No, mucho sad.

So we Facebook people sat, and waited, glued to our computer screens waiting in suspense for any news. Just kidding...sort of. In the mean time friends left sympathy comments and prayers for his safe return. Hours later (seemed like days) the update that we had all been waiting for finally came:  
Kitty has been found. He was at the neighbors' at the other end of the street. Thanks everyone. :)

Shame on you Pippen.

1 comment:

Rose said...

Hey! The same thing happened to our "Katie" just last week! The neighbour across the street had taken her in, and now she has lost a chunk of fur from the back of her neck due to stress... poor Katie!
Love your pictures!