Thursday, January 27, 2011

capturing innocence

What happened when I told them that if they knocked too hard on the guest cottage door they might disturb Grover and Elmo, who were trying to take their afternoon naps...

I may have scarred them for life. (Forgive me Mom.) But are not Little Sister's expressions so priceless? And I love that you can see Big Sis' thought wheels spinning: Is this lady for real? Are Grover and Elmo really in there sleeping? Hmmmm....

I heart kids.


Angela Chandler said...

What a great way to get some adorable reaction shots! Love it, so cute!!

penandview said...

Oh, and I forgot to say Angela, that I shot that all from the hip! I had no idea what I was capturing bc I didn't want them to see that I was taking pictures. :)

Tami said...

From the hip? Seriously? Pretty amazing photos, I'd say! And their expressions are fantastic!

stacey said...

Cutest thing ever! Love that these were all shot from the hip. Love.

Loved The Hunger Games. Did you know she has another series? My friend told me about it, not sure what it's called.

Have you read Blue Like Jazz or A Million Miles? If not, you should. I'm suddenly on this kick where I want to read more again. I seem to go in waves (or usually it's that I just don't make the time). I used to be such a huge reader, but haven't been the past few years. I want to read more again. So please lmk if you ever have any suggestions for me!

Happy Friday, friend.