Tuesday, April 19, 2011

the plunge

(This is our favorite lake, filled with snow melt off. It freezes parts off, if you know what I mean.)

I was going to narrate this entire scene but thought it would be best left without words. I think you know what it might be like to work up the courage to take the plunge while others are watching. While they are waiting (and heckling) for you to toughen up and get your bravery on you finally show up and show off.

Besides, the plunge is not for them anyway. It's for you. You want to prove to yourself that you have got what it takes to do it.

And you want to feel the joy of the accomplishment.

(Even though it leaves you with a massive brain freeze and a mouth full of cuss words.)

In case you need to see it in real time...

make avatar

I remind myself of this every day:

Pay no attention to the hecklers that live inside of your head. You possess what it takes to show up to your own life and take a plunge or two. It's time to get your bravery on!


stacey said...

I feel like saying a big "Amen, sister" to this one. You and your words are so good for me.

And love the photos!! The flash thing turned out great!!

kristin m young said...

i'll say an "amen, sister" also! love it!

Liz @ ewmcguire said...

Love this! EXACTLY what I needed to hear today. To hell with the hecklers in our heads!

Andrea said...

Thank you for the reminder! :)