Saturday, May 14, 2011

umbrella friday/saturday: coming and going and "the staying"

This is Friday's umbrella post, posted today. Blaming Blogger and their "issues" they were having over Thursday and Friday. All is well now, so on with life and blogging we go...

I took these photos when I was in China Town a couple of months ago. This local woman was hidden behind the protection of her umbrella, braving the weather, intent on her destination and unaware that I was following her.

I have titled this set, "Coming and Going".

Sometimes I feel as if I am always in one state of coming or going, and yet I am rarely taking the time to be in neither. In fact, sometimes I am actually thinking about my return when I am on my way to some destination. I will stop myself in my thoughts and realize that I am "living" my life one moment ahead of the present. Which is silly because I am not really "living" my life in the moment ahead because it is not the moment I am in, and therefore not a real moment.

That was a lot of "moments".
Anyway, you know what I am saying?

What I am trying to say is that my mind is always ruminating in my comings and goings and not really skilled at practicing "the staying". The staying is the hardest.
Because the staying in the present is the real, unrehearsed life. It requires an acceptance of "what is" that the future has yet to force upon me. And sometimes that "what is" is not what I pictured when I was doing all of that ruminating in the coming and going.

So maybe you can relate when I say that I am learning that I waste much of my life when I ruminate on my comings and goings. My life should be about learning to make peace with the staying. Because the staying is the only real moment I have.

My blogging friend Andrea, posted her own umbrella post today too. Go check her post out (click here), and the rest of her blog. She is a budding photog herself so leave her some comment love!


Andrea said...

Boy, you said it - the staying is so, SO hard for me. Thanks for the reminder to try to stay in the moment. :-)
Hope you are doing well! (I have an umbrella photo to post if you are posting links...)
Happy weekend, Tracey!

Amanda said...

Amen!! :) Happy weekend to you.

stacey said...

Have had a busy week and am just now getting around to commenting on this.

And basically all I wanted to say is yes! I can relate. Trying hard lately to just live in the moment...not in regret of what happened in the past and not wishing for the future. Thank you for the reminder.
