Friday, May 13, 2011

linked: from the car

5/13 Post edit: So for the last two days Blogger has been not working and so any attempts to post and link, etc. were met with an "error" message. This original post below was lost and so I had to go back in and rewrite write the portion of it that had been saved. Such a PAIN. Anyway, here we go again...
(And Friday's post will be up tomorrow. We're flexible right?)

After fifteen years of marriage I can still say that one of my favorite places to be is alone in the car with my hubby. Sans kids. With music of our choice. Or a perhaps a little driving in that beautiful, glorious silence.

It is a rarity, one that we did not appreciate until we no longer had it. That first day we drove home with our son from the hospital with him fastened securely in the infant car seat, we entered a completely new world of the driving environment: one that is filled with kid noise, kid's music, passing of snacks, refereeing of squabbles, fielding questions, and fishing for lost sippy cups, dropped pacifiers, and blankies. Like I said, one cannot learn to appreciate what one has until it is reduced to a scarcity.

On Mother's Day I had a couple of hours of that glorious car space with just my boyfriend.

And it just so happened that my blogging link-up partners, Stacey and Michelle and I had just decided that our "linked" assignment this week would be "from the car."

There could not have been a more perfect time to pull out my camera.

I am anxious to see what "from the car" moments Stacey and Michelle captured this past week.

Head on over to their May 12th blog posts and view with me!

For Michelle's post, click here.

For Stacey's,  post click here.

Happy Friday,


Andrea said...

Love the first photo. Great rearview mirror shot. And the clouds in the second photo are so pretty. So fluffy!
I LOVE my alone time in the car (with or without the hubby.) It's so quiet and peaceful. And I get to listen to the music I like!
Hope your week is going well! And thank you for the nice comment on my post the other day.

stacey said...

Oh yes.....I feel like D and I hardly ever get alone time in the car. Precious, indeed. Love the 3D-ness of that second photo with the clouds in black and white.

I LOVE my time in the car. We often go for Sunday drives. We just drive. I love my 25 minute drive to and from work. It's one of the few times that I get to myself. I pray, listen to music, call friends.... I really don't mind the commute for those reasons.

So happy you got this time with your hubby, on Mother's Day no less! Have a great weekend, friend.