Monday, May 2, 2011

You do what it takes

If you do not have an eleven-year-old son who does not like to have his picture taken, then just try and imagine with me what steps you might need to take to get your eleven-year-old son to stop what he is doing and smile for the camera.

Like, asking him to think about his favorite "funny" potty humor that he brings to our family dinner table time. The kind of humor that has his sister rolling her eyes, his mother slapping him on the arm, and his dad covering his face trying not to show his approval. Because this is what I had to do to get him to show off his genuine smile...tell him to think about his dinner-table potty humor.

You do what it takes.

(Hey Bud, try not to look too enthusiastic about getting your picture taken.)

Now there's my Mister.
Love this kid.

Happy Monday.


Heather M. said...

nice work! i say it's all about whatever you need to do to get that photo. ;)

Jamie said...

hahaha, how does bathroom talk always come up at the dinner table? It's the same way in my family...

Your son sure is handsome, and that setting for the photoshoot is gorgeous!

Andrea said...

What a handsome guy you've got! Nice job getting him to smile - love it!
I will have to use this method on Max sometime.
About your comment on my chalk post - I never really realized chalk smells. I LOVE the smell of crayons.