Thursday, April 30, 2009


While snapping off some pictures of the bouquet of flowers 
Scott brought home to me this afternoon,

I noticed that some"one" had already been enjoying a snack.

Perhaps it was some mysterious creature/alien who left her eggs behind?  I've always thought these have looked a little too larvae-y egg'ish. I know it's just part of the plant but it's weird.  My mom will know what these are. 

And I've always thought the underside of a sunflower was beautiful. 

Happy Thursday!
(Wow, I just felt an earthquake! 
They're a little scary when you are home alone.)


Kemma said...

Eek, those fern spores DO look like little bugs, when set against the nibbles in the sunflower leaves.

Anonymous said...

Those are the spores (or seeds) of the plant...the reproductive side of a fern! :) They do look weird!