Sunday, May 24, 2009

Weekend Fun

After school on Friday we scurried out of town and visited old friends and neighbors. It was a good time to get away after a crazy week. Sometimes you just need to escape, you know? I love this picture because it looks like my husband is walking on air. He's pretty amazing I think. I mean, we all knew he could walk on water...but air?

The boys were drawn to the beach wall for its soft texture. It was only after I took this pick that I realized they were adding their contribution to the carved graffiti on the wall. Not to mention speeding up the rate of erosion...

We spotted some "M's" so of course we had to get our picture with them. It was actually my lure to get at least one picture of her. Because when you are a little girl playing at the beach, you do not want to stop and take your picture.

But Zach was good to his mama and gave me one. Just one. Thanks Zach.

And another of my Bean. I could not get enough of the light and warmth bouncing of the wall. A pretty cool place for portraits...that is if you can get anybody to stop and let you take one. 

Happy Memorial Day!