Monday, August 24, 2009

If it's alien looking, my neighbor is growing it...

I pride myself in my small amount of plant and flora knowledge. This exists mainly from growing up in close proximity to my green thumb of a mother and aunt. I can name most nursery plants and some trees. I recognize a summer vegetable by its tiny sprout. 
But my neighbor's choice in landscaping often leaves me stumped. Clearly this...ummmm...plant is getting ready to burst forth with some red bloom. Perhaps I am just not as "knowledgeable" as I thought and it is quite clear to you all (mom? Debbie?). But truly, truly, I am left to wonder and guess, as I stare out my window into our shared yard, just what alien thing is morphing now.

p.s. And for all those wondering with me about this...Chinese Celery. Did I not convey its celery'ish-ness?! I was close!!

1 comment:

Christie Brown said...

I LOVE the colors in that first photo. Nice job!