Monday, August 17, 2009

Just before she fell asleep...

...I snapped off some of her on the floor with her blanky. 
I thought she seemed sleepy-- lovin' on her blanky, wanting to pile it on her face.
But she got up and went down stairs to watch her brother play some Xbox (his last day of summer video game time) and before I knew it she had gone quiet on the couch. 
As I type, she is fast asleep. It's 4:52pm. Tomorrow is her first day of school and I wanted to get her in bed early. That plan is not happening.

When I was taking a picture of her I told her she looked like a mermaid.

Then I couldn't decide if I liked it better in black and white?

Letting her sleep for a little while. Then pray for me as I attempt to wake her. She is a grouchy bug when she is awakened from her beauty sleep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

these are beautiful!