Sunday, August 16, 2009

One last time away

For the last few days we got away with some friends to Shaver Lake.
Here we are heading out from the docks, following the dads on their jet skis. 

The kids had some fun tubing. 
Oh, they're only going about 5mph, but by their screams it looks 
as if they're going a wee bit faster.

I spotted two mermaids...

And then the kids spotted...

(I wasn't going any closer for fear of it leaping onto my lens. 
I'm not much for slimy legged things.)

Though I must say, I did feel some empathy for it. 
The kids carried it around like a pet...

...and built a "resort" for it.
(I'm pretty sure it was traumatized for life.)

While they made a "home" for their catch. 
I tried to spot the winged creature that left this...

We also watched Nathan work his moves.

And when I spotted some of these, I couldn't resist.

We finally headed home as the sun was setting. 
Such a beautiful place...Shaver Lake.

(I was a bit envious of Rachel's "Titanic" movie spot. Cue music. 
Click on this one for the large view and you'll "feel as if you're there". 
Such a beautiful moment.)

(Oh, and btw, I can't figure out why my pics in the last few posts have been "blotchy". They're fine if you click on them and view in the large format. Anybody know what's up?)

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