Friday, December 18, 2009

Riding Ruby (Part 2) Or...What Zach and I were doing while Bean was riding Ruby

So I am sure that my post yesterday left you giddy with anticipation over what my son could have possibly been doing while Bean was off riding Ruby. Those muddy hands must have given you some clue, right? If you have not figured out already, my son is a boy who loves to get his hands dirty. And yesterday he found the perfect muddy patch and dug right in. He was so excited to show me his mud ball--all compact and rich with earth. He made several. Here he is with one of his perfect orbs of mud...

He carried it around, tossing it back and forth. It attracted Copper, who followed him with his own sense of anticipation.

Look at Copper. That look says, "Dude. When you gonna throw that thing?!" Zach gave in and then spent some minutes making mud balls for his shadow, tossing them into the air only to have Copper find them disintegrating upon mouth contact. Poor Copper. Unmet expectations often brings frustration, but not for Copper. He insisted on more and willingly played the game.

I on the other hand, found my unmet expectations bringing immense frustration. The woman who lived on the west side of the property is one of the country's leading sheepdog trainers. When we arrived she was out training her dogs and it was amazing to watch. When she left the sheep to graze the light was just too beautiful for me to ignore, so I crept along the fences to capture the vivid grass and the peaceful grazing of the sheep. It was so peaceful out there. (I am such a pastoral kind of gal.)

As soon as I crept close enough the stupid animals freaked. It was hard to tell who sent out the alarm message but one flinched and the rest followed and they scurried away--leaving me with only a rear end view. It was almost like a message: "Take this Lady!"
And then one popped up, on guard, as if to say: "Just keep your distance Lady."

Yeah, whatever. I got the message. Next time when Bean is out riding Ruby (or Rocky or Bandit) then I'll bring along my massive zoom lens--maybe don my camo gear and paint my face, borrow some of Zach's mud...

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