Friday, January 29, 2010

Can you really blame me??

I realized today that by now some of you are familiar with my Bean and her friends and their outside pursuits, and the geographical nature of the park across the street. Geez, I know I'm out there a lot following everyone around. But can you really blame me? Look at the light my friends! And such cute muses on which to practice my camera skills! I took these this past week when the sun was a welcome break from the storms we had been having. I was so giddy about the light that I stayed out there the entire time with them roaming the fields, soaking it all up.

I am supposed to tell you that this was the fairy forest. (Miss G was pretty excited.)

Ok...must explain: she was standing there in the open field with the light on her head and meowing to her fellow "kitty friends". I had to interrupt, just for tiny second, to get her to give me just one quick look over her shoulder.
(The light was killin' me.)

This was another outtake from the post I did a couple of days ago.
(In fact, when I first saw the other one I was about to delete it, but on second thought, kept it and put it in black and white and fell in love with it. It pays to not have a hasty delete finger.)

Off on her own. Again...had to catch that light on her hair.
(She's my other "Bean".)

There were some secret messages written at their "home base".
(Of course I was not privy to what they said.)

And then there was some serious planting, tending to the garden.

(Ahem) Excuse me while I just quickly point out again the marvelous light filtering through her hair.

Dirty garden hands are the best. I truly miss my old garden in my previous house. There is something about digging in the earth that is just so spiritual.

Sun catchers...

And then the glowing setting sun on my beautiful Bean...

Tomorrow is my ONE year blog birthday.
Can you believe it?
So much on my heart to share...


jodie said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! can't wait to see how we celebrate...

Lorraine Akemann said...

Picture #1 on this post - incredible.