Wednesday, January 27, 2010

the purest of friendship...

loves without condition
forgives when forgiveness is required...refuses not an apology
attaches no strings
reserves judgment, assumes nothing, waits for truth
works to edify each other, does not tear down
holds no grudges
bears humility
creates safety
honors boundaries
never manipulates, intimidates
listens (even when understanding is slow)
carries each other's burdens
sacrifices (even when it is painful)
does not keep score
sharpens, is willing to work things through
selflessly serves
turns the other cheek
cherishes, nourishes
withholds blame
takes ownership, where ownership is due
welcomes light in the dark-filled corners
rejoices with those who rejoice, weeps with those who weep
fosters honesty, vulnerability
values time together
creates history worth remembering

Never. Gives. Up.


ELK said...

this is so true...very pure!

jodie said...

so beautiful. i have been missing my old friends these days...thanks for the reminder to pick up the phone.

stacey said...

Love this. Love the photo. Love it all! I've been looking through some of your photos/posts and you are so talented! And your children are beautiful!