Tuesday, January 26, 2010


A little vulnerability here...

Lately, I have been dwelling on the beautiful, miraculous and yet sometimes tragic nature of life.

In the midst of devastating earthquakes, floods...to a friend loosing a baby five months into her pregnancy...to another miraculously birthing her baby in an emergency make-shift labor room on her bathroom floor...to my own personal circumstances, I have been reminded of the overwhelming reality that life carries no promises and no dress rehearsals. There are moments of deep gratitude and moments of endless tears.

It seems as if this one-act journey never exhausts itself from manifesting countless opportunities to test my beliefs and the strength of my heart.

And yet as the fragility of life has been painfully real to me in these last few weeks it stands in juxtaposition to the absolute amazing miraculousness of life itself. Pain and beauty side by side. It is what it is...throughout the course of our lives, at different times, we will experience one or the other. The fact that the two walk together is what makes this life crazy, beautiful, fragile, and precious.


ELK said...

yes it is side by side...great image and poetry Tracey

Umā said...

So true.

Lisa Page Rosenberg said...

Gorgeous. Every bit of it.