Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sweet Sun and Friendship

I mentioned a couple of days ago that there was a glorious moment when the sun broke through the tired rain clouds and the kids and I ran outside to play. Bean had her BFF and I had my camera (yeah, kinda like my BFF too). I captured them in their girly girl moments of play and laughter. I love this photo below...something funny was passed between them that I could not hear. (Seven year old girl secrets--so take a guess as to how "funny" it could have been.)

This photo just makes me smile...their friendship is just too sweet.

Bean has been wearing these for a week straight. I am sooooo glad I found them in her size. 
Do you know how hard it is to find rainboots?! 

Then Brother brought out the wagon for them so they could use it to play house. 
(Sometimes, he can be so thoughtful and sweet.)

The wagon was filled with "food" and carted around to various kitchens and such. 
This wagon has been our loyal friend. It never gets tired of being used.

There was a lot of this...

And this...

And yes, this too...

Bean is showing us how she can whistle with a blade of grass...
something her Papa taught her to do.

I love the next series of shots. It was a conversation captured between these two. 
I loved their expressions and they way they were with each other.

There was some serious dialogue going on, but again, I was not privy to it.

Heading back home with the wagon...

(Sigh) I am looking out my window now and it's dreary. Dreary. It's actually quite frigid out there too. It's supposed to rain again off and on this week--the winter sunshine just a memory.
At least Bean will have her boots and the girls their sweet friendship.

1 comment:

ELK said...

you are so right...the expressions as they told secrets are priceless!