Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Green green my world is green

In honor of St. Pat's Day I decided to let green be my guide.
Amazing what you find when you open your eyes. Green is everywhere friends!

My green world, from left to right:

1. Bean's hair scrunchy thingy  2. An Irish girl dressed up as an Irish girl  3. Yep, my shoes  4. Girl wearing very festive Dr. Seuss-like hat  5. freshly mowed lawn (thanks Zach)  6. My neighbor's lone cactus that sits right on the border of our property (not what I would have planted there but whatev, I'm neighborly)  7. Kermit the Frog?  8. Little kinder showing me her lucky charm necklace  9. My handy water bottle (BPA free)  10. Park bench painted standard city green  11. Trash can...also painted standard city green  12. My favorite little house plant (that I have not killed...yet)  13. Girl jumping in "Irish Girl at Heart" shirt (personally I don't think she's Irish) 14. Garden hose that can never stay wound due to neighborhood kids using it as their personal water source  15. Neighbor's weed (next to the lone cactus that I would not have planted)  16. Cool manly plaid shirt  17. Port-a-potty (or is it porta potty?)  18. Happy Flub (some Club Penguin animal--my kids are obsessed)  19. True red headed Irish girl with thingymabobs on her head  20. Perfect Pears (that will be sliced into a spinach/sausage/dried cranberry salad tonight)

And there you have it! I should do this more often, it was quite fun.

Happy St. Patrick's Day. May the luck of the Irish be with you...or something like that.


Unknown said...

So fun! What a great idea... :)

JS said...

hey t for shots - like the girl with the necklace what f-stop are you at - i can never get those shots the way i want them..erin s