Thursday, March 25, 2010

Hey, what's so funny?

It's never a dull moment when these two are together. I usually spend my time laughing at them, laughing at each other. And with her buddy giggling at her, Bean holds nothing back--digging deep into her well of silliness.  She's her own SNL skit with an audience of one.

It began with Zach sitting at the computer listening to his new favorite song by
Green Day, "21 Guns".   (At least he is over Eye of the Tiger. I was not appreciating living out my 80's high school memories on a daily basis.)

Which to the girls, sounded like "21 Gums" in old-ladies-without-teeth kind of gums.

This sparked a fit of laughter. Of course, nothing like a misunderstood song lyric to get you giggling.

At which point Bean launched into a scenario: imagine if an old lady began laughing and her teeth flew out and hit you in the head. Ha ha ha ha ha... And then those teeth bounced back and hit someone else in the head. Ha ha ha ha ha... And then the teeth just went back and forth, back and forth. Ha ha ha ha ha...

Hit the pause button.
I know you are searching for the hilarity in this. Your jaw is slightly slack and your brow is a tinge perplexed...a look of "huh?" is written all over your face. I don't blame you. This is when I rolled my eyes and said "Hilarious, I can't think of anything more funnier." But think back to a time when you sat with some little ones and they giggled at something inane, ridiculous. Remember the slow giggle that grew in your belly as you watched their funny bones split open. There is something about the innocent and untainted imagination of a child that causes us to let go of our restraints and allow ourselves to let out an adult giggle.
Hit the play button.

So as they laughed on and on about gums and spit the conversation bled into something about hairy armpits. Hairy armpits. Hairy armpits.

I won't entertain you with the details of that conversation. I'll just leave you with the image of hairy armpits and let you all decide if that's funny...or not. (Not)

p.s. I'd like to hear about what gets your kids giggling. Always nice to know that my kids aren't the only ones that are one notch away from normal...


eveapple said...

For Caleb and his best friend, it's the phrase "Toasted bagel, yummy, yummy!" Huh?

penandview said...

E--What? You don't think that "toasted bagel yummy yummy" is funny?! Zach bursts out this phrase: "BoooooYA!" while throwing up his hands. Huh?

ELK said...

priceless moments ...i like that you featured them in a black and white mosaic