Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Where were you at 9am this morning?

Me? I was standing here with a friend ready to embark on our morning walk. This is where I walk/run several times a week and I never, ever get bored of it. I walk the two mile loop, sometimes twice, sometimes with a friend, sometimes not. (Depends on my energy and mood or how much time I have.) When the trails finally dry up you can walk up in the hills, though I have yet to do that. I need a friend to show me the way. (Debbie?)

A little historical note: This is actually historical land once owned by the famous Murphy clan (of the town of Murphys near Angels Camp in California gold country). Somehow in the dividing up of land after their passing this part was saved and made into a county park. To the left of the road is the inner circle where cows have been pasturing for over a hundred years. When they are actually in the circle, instead of up in the hills, you need no iPod my friends. Your tunes are the long moooooooo's of conversations between the females and babies and the lone bull that guards them all.

Speaking of the lone bull: try explaining to your son why one bull gets to be with all those females. Why the females actually allow it but really do not associate with him unless it's their "duty".  Sometimes I regret opening my mouth to offer little educated bits of knowledge to my children. Sometimes it's just not worth busting open the can of worms with my very curious 10 year old.

A minor freak out moment: One winter day I was out there, dodging rain drops, and spotted two wild boar rooting in a muddy ravine about 100 feet off the path. I had heard stories in these parts of town, so I suffered a minor panic attack hoping they wouldn't notice me, wishing that I could sprout wings (like I do in my dreams) and fly away. Obviously I came away unscathed, lived to tell about it, and am here doing so on my blog. Ta-dah!

Where were you at 9am this morning?


Juliette said...

oh, that looks nice! At 9am your time I was stuck in an elevator w/3 German punk teenagers in the old part of town, wondering if I would ever get out. they kept screaming and kicking the walls and fighting with each other. it was a low point. I would have MUCH rather have been where you were! =)

JS said...

my kind of place! erin

Umā said...

beautiful! at 9 this morning i was still in the car headed to work, dreading it. the whole 9-5 office thing has got to change for me's been way too long.

Karen at French Skinny said...

At 9 am this morning: I have official "Mommy brain". Which means I had 3 in the stroller, the dog on the leash. I lock the door. Ooops! I forgot poop bags (for the dog) sad that I felt I had to clarify that. Unlock the door. Get the bags. Lock the door. Oooops! I forgot sippy cup/ snacks. 3 hangs on to the leash. Unlock the door. Get items. Lock the door. Start to leave....Ooops! I forgot cell phone in case of emergency......well you get the idea. This goes on EVERY time I leave the house.

LOVE your pictures.

eveapple said...

At 9, I was about a mile and a half into a run, wishing I were done already.

Tami said...

At 9:00 I was sitting at my desk, deciding whether or not to chase my healthy banana with some not-so-healthy m&m's. By 9:05 I was eating the m&m's.

penandview said...

French--I feel your pain.
Tami--so glad you dove into the m&m's. In fact, it gave me the permission to eat some today. I thought, if Tami can do it that early in the morning, then so could I!