Monday, March 15, 2010

Math homework...

Need I really explain anything?
In this case a picture truly is a thousand words...and facial expressions...and emotions.
If you have ever had to sit through math homework with your child then you will completely understand.
If you have yet to sit through math homework with your child then count your blessings.

Although, how can I not practice patience when doing math homework with this child when she is just so stickin' cute? (She's doing math calculations in her head instead of using her fingers. Apparently it is a sign of smartness to do it in your head? If so, I have a loooooooong way to go in the smart department.)


Tami said...

I just finished doing the SAME THING. Megan so wanted to be outside playing that she just started writing down random numbers and then yelled "Done!" Uh, not so fast Missy. I feel your pain.

Mockabee Seven said...

Love how one pigtail's a braid and the other's not! Now that's capturing the end of the day, precious!