Sunday, March 14, 2010

up in the rafters

Geez, I keep posting kitty pictures. I'm so sorry. But when you haven't take your picture for the day and all willing subjects are...well...not are left to follow a cat around. This one happens to be Grammy and Papa's and she is their baby: Tink. I have to admit, she is a pudgy little cutie and she is kind of human-like in her personality. She is Little Miss Independent by day, but the total bed hog by night. And since she was little she has had a thing for bringing Grammy and Papa leaves, as gifts. They are her tokens of love left at the entrance to their bedroom, on the kitchen floor, in the entry way. Big leaves half her size scooped up in her mouth to be brought home to her people.
(Although yesterday it was a lizard, for which Grammy was sooooo not thankful.)

And here she is up in the rafters, on top of the portable camping table. (I know Grammy is probably mortified right about now with the state of her cobwebed rafters being displayed to the blogger world. Mortified that people might judge her based on the cleanliness of her rafters, but really, come on, who ever is without a dusty garage let him be the first to cast a stone. May I have a show of hands for those who have a dusty garage?) Bean and I went out into the garage this afternoon to find her and Grammy had mentioned that she had heard Tink some where "up there".  Sure enough, there she was, way up in her perch, looking down at the world, and at the girls standing below her pleading for her to come down. She preferred the safety of her dusty rafters and the camping gear and did not give in to our attempts to lure her down. If I were a cat and had a place that no one could get to me I certainly would not give it up for a pair of googly-eyed girls that only wish to smother me with love.

I mean, seriously, wouldn't it be nice to have a set of rafters to climb up into every once in a while to just get away from it all?

Whether you like cats or not, you have to admit, they make no excuses for their personal boundaries.

1 comment:

noellemonique said...

hmmm, I'm kinda jealous...I wish I had some rafters to hide in for awhile...