Saturday, March 13, 2010

Sweet Saturday

It has been one of those Saturdays that I love: no phone ringing, no doorbell chiming, no place to be, no party to go to, no nothin'. Just doing things at our own pace.

My Sweet Saturday:

Stayed in bed until 9:30am reading my new book. (The Glass Castle--highly recommend.)

Finally crawled out of bed (tummy was grumbling) and ate a rare pancake--spread with almond butter, chopped bananas and a drizzle of honey. Yum.

Cleaned out the kitchen catch-all drawer. (Note to self: no need to buy gum for at least another year.)

Cleaned out the freezer, pantry, and that drawer in the fridge that collects nasty unused veggies. (Note to self: eat more veggies.)

Folded some laundry. (Not my fave Saturday activity but it needed to be done. Sacrifices.)

Replied to messages on Facebook. (Oh, and left a few comments on friend's status updates.)

Played one game of solitaire. (Trying to wean myself off of solitaire addiction.)

Cooked two dinners for the coming week. (Yes, totally feeling Martha Stewarty.)

Baked some zucchini/carrot bread. (That is totally rockin', btw.)

Sharpened all the pencils in the house. (I know, sounds totally OCD but it's been driving me crazy the last few days as I've hunted for a useable pencil.)

Helped Bean make lunches for her dad and brother and then carry it up to them where they were snuggling in bed playing video games. (Praised her for her thoughtful servant's heart.)

Took pictures of them all eating lunch in bed, wearing just their chonies, and swore not to post them on blog. (Promise kept.)

Hunted for Bean's blanky so she could take a snooze with her dad. (blanky+dad=good snooze environment)

Sat and watched Bean sleep and love-on her blanky. (She will always be my baby.)

Snapped a picture so I could remember her like this for always. (Love those lips.)

Took a shower at 4pm.  (thankyouverymuch)

Piled in the car and went to find Zach some hiking shoes for upcoming Boy Scout hike/campout. (Shoe sales guy was very nice and helpful--love good customer service.)

Braved the enormous Walmart. (Note to self: don't take kids to Walmart ever again.)

Talked son off of emotionally charged buyer's impulse ledge. (His allowance is burning a hole in his pocket)

On ride home, discussed the power and pull of consumerism and the dangers of walking into places like Big Walmart. (Can I get an "amen"?)

Commissioned my husband to make his famous grilled-cheese sandwiches. (He even added avocado!)

Freaked out about time change tonight and how it was technically waaaaay past my daughter's bed time. (Not looking forward to tomorrow morning.)

Scurried my kids up to take their Saturday evening shower. (insisted on hair washes too)

And finally sat down to do bloggy blog. (Blah blah blah)

Sounds like a busy day, but really not. I love these kinds of Saturdays and they are few and far between. Must savor them when I can.

Hope you had a good Saturday too. Just the way you like it. :)

Here's to one less hour of sleep tonight! 



Lisa Page Rosenberg said...

I am having your Saturday a day later over here and loving that photo.

Did I say thank you for that fab link you sent to me? If I didn't, I apologize 'cause I appreciate it and mean to say thanks. Thanks! xoxoxo

jodie said...

mmmm, glorious saturday's! and i just noticed the new it!

Anonymous said...

Love that photo! LOVE.

penandview said...

Shaboom--makes sense! From your posts it seems as if you love your French sleep! :)

Anonymous said...

I do! I only wish I could get more of it! In the photo, I especially love the crispness of the fabric, her muted face and the colors.