Friday, March 12, 2010

this is kinda how I feel about the rain right now

Today the weather gradually faded from sunny with a touch of clouds, to dreary gray with a dump of rain. And my energy pretty much followed. I think I am probably sounding like a broken record (skipping cd?) right about now as I say, once again, that this week was just looooooong. To end it with a rain visit is just...bleh.

On the brighter side, the kids came home with glowing report cards. That's always nice.
Bean reminded us all that we always go out for ice cream on report card day, which is funny because I remember doing that with them sometime last year and obviously she took it very seriously. She has latched onto that as our little celebratory tradition and reminds us all of it days before report cards come home. It's like a holiday for her really. Do other kids do that?

Maybe a little ice cream sundae will turn that frown upside down?

At least it's Friday.

Happy Friday y'all.


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