Friday, March 19, 2010

Mommy Camp

It's turning out to be quite the mommy and Bean weekend, I know. The men are off on a Boy Scout camping trip leaving the girlz to do their own Mommy Camp--as Bean calls it. We sat down today after school and wrote up all the things she'd like to do with me. The list is long. So we started off with a trip to Target to spend a gift card (one hula hoop, box of crayons, and Pin Print later). Then we headed over to Red Robbin for a cheeseburger.

While we were there we put the new crayons to good use and worked on this:
I would like to point out my contribution: the blue clouds and green grass. After we completed the picture I noticed that my blue clouds looked an awful lot like our hands that Bean drew. Huh. (This is why I am a photographer, not a painter.)  I would also like to point out the new hair-do Bean is using on her people: the side part/swept bang look. I'm the one in the dress...with the darker hair. (Next Tuesday I'm getting my highlights done.) Bean also accidentally gave me six fingers on my right hand. And then did it to herself too. (Thanks Bean)

After we got home the weather was just too wonderful so we played with the new hula hoop...
I have to say, I have completely lost my hula hoop mojo. Like really really lost it. We were going to do a competition and I barely squeaked out two spins. It was the craziest thing. It's not like riding a bicycle, at all.

We moved onto the jump rope...
When I was her age I was the best jump roper ever. I even won a competition in kindergarden for the most jumps. (In first grade I won the "standing on one foot for the longest amount of time" competition.) Anyway it was apparent today that my kinder self could totally woop my a@#. After ten jumps my brain was so jarred I needed to sit down. (Go ahead and laugh, I'm already there.)

Soon after, the neighborhood boys came over to borrow some bike tools and so Bean got out her scooter and showed me her ballet moves...and then did circles around the boys while I sat in the driveway and waved at the cars and neighbors passing by.

We came in at twilight and crawled into my bed, played Go Fish, went through her favorite Seek and Find book, and watched YouTube kitten videos on my iPod. I sent her off into Dream Land with some back rubs, prayers, and a lullaby.

On the list for tomorrow: morning bagels, farmers market, netflix movie, painting nails, Hello Kitty store, and maybe Easy Bake Oven.

I am not picking up my camera tomorrow and so I will be back on Sunday. Tomorrow it is just me and the Bean. :)

Happy weekend!


eraseh8now said...

Thanks for the reflection on my family's younger days . . . it's so sweet to look back and remember similar days. Enjoy your 'girls' day! Christy xoox

Jenny said...

just wanted to tell you that i'm always disapointed when i get to the end of your posts... i always want there to be more!

Lisa Page Rosenberg said...

Mommy Camp sounds like fun all over.
Go girls!