Thursday, May 13, 2010

struttin' her way

She came home from school, ate a snack, watched her portion of tv (excited because she had no homework!), and then changed into her flouncy trouncy skirt. The boots were just a quick thought add on as they were by the front door. She proceeded to wear this for the next few hours and then after dinner we went outside so she could show me her strut (and eat her dessert because that's where she likes to enjoy it). I am pretty sure this is a mix of Hannah Montana/Ashley Tisdale. Don't even tell me cause I already know: I think I may be in trouble.

This is the Diva "talk to the hand" walk...

And then she spots Daddy backing out out of the driveway on his way to a meeting...

"Five seconds" of proof of a their mutual tender love for each other. Makes my heart swell, my eyes tear, and my belief sure that she is struttin' her way into becoming a beautiful young woman. 
Don't you think?


stacey said...

The long hair...the skirt...the boots....I think our daughters would get along well.

And that last picture is just so precious.

Tami said...

Yes, the last photo is perfect.

Santa Monica Bred said...

the 2nd to last shot= priceless. Evokes a sweet, innocent story.

Santa Monica Bred said... contest material. Engaging shot.