Sunday, August 29, 2010


We went to a party last night and I thoroughly enjoyed myself as I followed the kids around with my camera. I was a little stalkerish but, whatever, I had a blast. Anyway, when we came home late I immediately downloaded the pictures off my card because I needed it to be empty for a project I had for today.  Before turning off my computer and heading to bed I took a quick spin through the party pictures. Total mistake. As I was cruising through, hitting the delete button every so often, this picture sped past my vision and I stopped in my tracks. I then popped it into my editor to play with it and uh, stayed up waaaaaay past my bedtime.

But OMG. Is this girl beautiful or what? (And I don't use OMG a lot, but I felt I needed to use it here.)
I happen to know that she is a fabulous girl and that her real beauty is within, but...OMG.

The funny thing is, I don't even remember taking this picture. Apparently when Beauty needs to be seen, she finds a way to slip into your line of vision to remind you that she is there. Thank God for her insistence or else we'd all be walking around in our dull little lives, blindly unaware of her presence.

May Beauty find you this coming week.


Santa Monica Bred said...

Nice photo & neat colors in background!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful words. Beautiful girl.