Wednesday, June 29, 2011

stuff I want my kids to know: don't settle for the monsters everyone else is making


I know it may not be the easiest path but...

Don't settle for the monsters everyone else is making.
Explore the reaches of your own creativity.
Push yourself to create rather than copy. Innovate rather than mimic.

"Gelatin Monsters" are waaaaaay cooler than the standard martians because you thought them up and chalked them into existence.

I can speak from experience as to how frustrating it can be when you take the longer path of exploration, when you bump up against the limits of your present self. But if your set your mind to the work you will be rewarded with the discovery that you are far more more capable and gifted than you first believed.
Do not settle for the false satisfaction that imitating will feed you.  

Do not settle for the monsters everyone else is making.



Amanda said...

Tracey, I'm lovin' this new "series"...awesome job and such wise words (for all of us, not just your precious kiddos!)

stacey said...


This is my favorite of the series so far.

Lindsay Beck Photography said...

i love the perspective