Tuesday, June 28, 2011

stuff I want my kids to know: you are already cool.


I know I am just your mother, much older than you, and soon to be totally unable to relate to your life, but I just wanted you to have a very important little nugget of truth that will help you get through these next few years.

Here it is:

While you struggle with trying to "fit in", wondering just how far you need to go to be "cool" in the eyes of those who define "cool" (whomever that may be), please know that cool is what you make it because you already are, and forever will be, cool.

I know this is a very parental thing to ask but, who makes the "cool rules" anyway?

In my forty-two years of living I have not found that person outside of myself and I am pretty sure you will not either.

You = cool. Period.


1 comment:

Andrea said...

I like this series you are doing. :)