We took the kids to the county fair tonight, mainly because I have been thinking about those authentic corn dogs they sell (not the soggy ones you get from the freezer section) and because it's summer and that is what you do in the summer--you go to the fair. I went to the fair as a kid with my family and then as a teenager. It was a grand fair, with the two headed animals, bearded lady, hypnotists, parades, cat/dog/quilt shows, 4-H animals, live bands, venders on the streets selling the "Chop-o-matics", toe rings, train sets, balloons. Oh and all the food food food and rides...need I go on?
But I had heard that the fair was nothing like it used to be. I kind of surmised that it might be true when I went online and discovered that there was free entry and free parking. (Hmm...anything to get people to come?) We parked out in the dirt parking lot and walked right in and realized we were four people out of hundred visitors there. I felt like I was at a school carnival. It was like a ghost town...a mere shadow of its former glory.

No lines at the ticket booths.

She was the only one riding the swings.
at which you could win random prizes.

Of course you can never get rid of the cotton candy.

Or the 4-H animals. This is a prize winning cow.
Meet Osos and his owner. Sweet cow.
His days are numbered. Next week he's being sold to a slaughter house.
(I will never look at a hamburger the same again. Could be Osos.)

The pigs were still there. Getting their beauty rest.
Hey, it's how you spend your last days at the fair.

And yes, the goats were there. Meet Cinnamon, the ribbon-winning dairy goat.
Here she's waiting to be milked. It keeps her utter producing milk so that when she's being shown in front of the judges she's "plump".
(You learn something new every day.)

Yes, a shadow of its former glory, fading away. Made me sad to think of the history that has gone with it, only memories, like lost snapshots, left to remind us of what it once was. My kids loved going and it was nice to have a quiet evening, but I think I would have rather taken them back in time to walk the fair in all of its sights, sounds, smells, and craziness that it was.

p.s. Can't stop thinking about Osos. Can one rescue a cow?